MRIs- Know How Kids Go Through this Procedure

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) implies a non-invasive diagnostic imaging technique that incorporates solid magnetic fields with the help of radio waves to generate accurate images of the human body’s internal space. While MRI is generally considered safe, parents may have concerns about the safety of MRIs for their children. This article will explore the potential risks associated with MRIs for kids and when children should not get an MRI. Find out what experts of MRI facilities have to say.

Risks of MRIs- The Danger Signs You Must Recognize

While MRI is generally considered safe for children, parents should be aware of potential risks associated with the procedure. One of the most common risks is the potential for the child to experience claustrophobia or anxiety during the procedure.

The ‘Panic-Button’ Trauma

The MRI machine is a large and enclosed space and some children may feel uncomfortable or panicked in this environment. To help alleviate this risk, MRI facilities may provide music, videos or other distractions to help children relax during the procedure.

Allergies Are Meant to ‘Overreact’

Another potential risk is using some contrast agents during the MRI. These substances are administered into your body to boost the visibility of specific blood vessels or tissues. While contrast agents are generally safe, some children may have an allergic reaction to the dye.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction can range from mild (such as itching or hives) to severe (such as difficulty breathing or anaphylaxis). Parents should inform the MRI facility if their child has a history of allergic reactions to medications or substances.

Thermal Burns Can be Scary

In rare cases, thermal burns may occur during an MRI procedure. This can happen if the child's skin comes into contact with the metal inside the MRI machine, which can become hot due to the magnetic field. While this risk is shallow, MRI facilities take steps to minimize the risk of burns, such as ensuring that the child's skin is not in direct contact with the machine during the procedure.

MRI for Children- These Medical Conditions Can Change the Decision

Medical Devices in the Body:

  • While MRIs are generally considered safe for children, there are some situations in which this may not be appropriate.

  • For example, children with certain types of medical devices may not be able to undergo an MRI.

  • These devices include pacemakers, cochlear implants and certain types of metal implants.

  • Children with these devices should talk to their doctor to determine if an MRI is safe.

Alarming Kidney Problems

Additionally, children with kidney problems may be unable to undergo an MRI with contrast agents. This is because the contrast agents can harm the kidneys in some cases. Children with kidney problems can find it difficult to go through the process. Ask the specialists of MRI facilities for more information.

In general, discussing any concerns about the safety of MRIs with your child's doctor is essential. The doctor can help you understand the risks and benefits of the procedure and determine if an MRI is the best diagnostic option for your child.

MRI Facilities That Suit Your Kids the Best

  • If your child needs an MRI, choosing a facility specializing in pediatric imaging is crucial.

  • These facilities have specially trained staff to work with children and create a child-friendly environment.

  • They may also have specialized equipment to make the procedure more comfortable for children.

  • When choosing an MRI facility, it is also essential to consider the equipment's quality and the staff's experience.

  • Look for a facility with state-of-the-art equipment and experienced technologists who can perform the procedure quickly and accurately.

The Help We Have to Offer

Evolution Imaging is one of the reputable MRI facilities in Oklahoma City. Bring your kids to us and we promise to provide every comfort to them and help complete the process with ease!


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